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Import plug valves are introduced in detail:

The United States of America Ou plug valve is closed or plunger type rotary valve, rotated through 90 degrees to make the valve plug the mouth of the channel and the channel port on the valve body the same or separate, realize the opening or closing a valve. Plug valve plug into a cylindrical or conical shape. In the cylindrical valve plug, generally rectangular channel; and the conical valve plug, the trapezoidal channel. These shapes allow the plug valve structure becomes lighter, but also produced a certain loss. Plug valve for cutting off and on as medium and the shunt applied, but in accordance with the applicable properties and erosion resistance of the sealing surface, sometimes also can be used for throttling. Plug valve sealing surface with a wiping action between movement, and when in full flow and can completely prevent the medium contact, so it usually can also be used with suspended particles in the medium. Plug valve is another important characteristic is that it is easy to adapt to multi channel structure, so that a valve can be obtained in two, three, or even four different channel. This can simplify the design of piping systems, reducing valve and the amount of equipment required for some connection fittings.

Plug valve working principle:

The United States of America Ou plug valve plug body is a cone (or cylindrical ), and valve conical bore surface matched to form a sealing pair. Plug valve is a valve using the first, has the advantages of simple structure, rapid opening and closing, small fluid resistance. General plug valve plug by the metal finishing and valve body to direct contact between the seal, so poor sealing, opening and closing force, easy abrasion, usually only for low ( less than 1MPa ) and small diameter ( less than 100 mm).

Import plug valves main use:

The United States of America Ou plug valves widely used in oil field exploitation, transportation and refining equipment, but also widely used in petrochemical, chemical, gas, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, HVAC industry and general industry.

 上一条:进口卫生级球阀安装与特点     下一条:进口柱塞阀工作原理
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